Tank Car Gauge Tables

These gauge tables are provided solely as a convenience to PNW Railcars' customers, as well as their suppliers and customers. The information contained in the gauge tables is based upon information obtained from third parties from time to time; has not been independently verified by PNW Railcars; and PNW Railcars does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information in the gauge tables. PNW Railcars makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the gauge tables (including, without limitation, as to their accuracy, reliability or completeness), and specifically disclaims any warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or use, and all other warranties, express, statutory or implied. The information in the gauge tables may change frequently and PNW Railcars or its agents may update or revise the gauge tables at any time without notice. In no event shall PNW Railcars be liable for any direct or indirect damages, lost profits, incidental, special or consequential damages resulting from the use of the gauge tables by anyone, including but not limited to PNW Railcars’ customers, their suppliers and customers, and any other third parties. Your use of the gauge tables and the information contained therein is entirely your decision in light of the disclaimers herein, and does not create any duty or obligation of PNW Railcars to you. By continuing to the PNW Railcars website and the information provided in the gauge tables, you hereby accept these disclaimers of warranties and liabilities, as well as the other terms set forth in the “Terms of Use” tab on the PNW Railcars website, which are hereby made available for your review via the following link: https://www.pnwrailcars.com/terms-of-use.